During the National Sudanese Basketball Tournament, as a member of the Big Bang Ballers, I was asked a few questions by a reporter for the Australian Sports Commission who wanted to know what clubs and associations could do to attract younger members of the Sudanese community.
My answer was that clubs should be putting on more events like the tournament to encourage further participation. Oh. My. Gosh. What terrible answer! I hope our CEO doesn't find out...
What I really wanted to say:
Clubs and associations should be more proactive in the process. Not simply send out a whole bunch of fliers into mailboxes around the state and hope for a turnout. They should be looking to take advantage of those members of the Sudanese community already participating in organised sport and get them involved. Ask them to approach their little cousins, sisters, brothers, friends, and friends of friends to join. In my experience with the Big Bang Ballers, it is often the case that youth will respond to invitations and initiatives from those they look up to.
So running skills camps focusing on teambuilding activities within the community would no doubt go a long way to achieving greater participation in organised team sports. Further, organise competitions in a way that facilitates learning and development. There is no point joining a club or association if the skill level required is far beyond what they possess. While challenges will inevitably come about, having a support structure in place for younger players will encourage those who feel intimited about joining a new club by their lonesome to participate.
Much better!
Big Bangs on 3!!!!