Thursday, October 9, 2008

American Empire: Near the end??

I think it was a brave move by the Iranian President to come out with such a statement, and one that has been long overdue. It is fair to say that one would be hard pressed to deny that the United States have supreme power in terms of Nuclear capability. What is interesting to note, though, is that there has been no concentrated frontal attack on the U.S of having such an arsenal of weapons - Simply because the US administration is seen to be too 'civilized' to use it on other parts of the world. But i ask, why bother having something if you do not have the will to fire it upon another nation state? Surely, those countries with nuclear weapons or even nuclear capability would not dare to fire upon such a heavily populated area. Lose-Lose situation for everyone! I also find myself asking why the United States has been so keen to stop other nations from developing their nuclear capability to a standard that is far inferior than their own? I am a big supporter of freedom on a global scale, but i also feel that things may not necessarily have to happen on such a linear path of international freedom and development. There is more than one way to proceed into the next 15-20 years of our planet - and perhaps the U.S administration would be much wiser to approach it with open arms as opposed to non-stop rhetoric and bashing of the term freedom, democracy and allies.

Brian Familar

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