Monday, January 18, 2010

Me and The Big Bang Ballers

The last 8 months have been such a roller coaster of a ride that it seems like I have been part of this great NGO for years and that the people I have gotten to know and appreciate along the way have been friends of mine for a lifetime. Such is life when working in the field of international development...

If 8 months ago you told me that as a member of The Big Bang Ballers (Big Bangs) I would be travelling around the world running different activities and programs for kids using the game of basketball to tackle youth poverty and social disadvantage, I would have called your bluff. So much has happened within such a short space of time that my friends, family and colleagues can no longer keep up with the emails and correspondence I am constantly bombarding them with. Each and every day I share with them my experiences and thoughts about the joys and challenges of working in international development. In fact, similar to what Pierre Johannessen, our CEO, mentions on his personal blog, it seems I have spent so much time telling others what the Big Bangs are about that i'd forgotten to document the journey through my own eyes.
This is the part where I change all of that.

Follow me. I won't let you down.


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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia